Sunday, January 15, 2006

Little Blue Fish

I was chased around the room by a little blue fish.


Blogger Remembering Billy Myshkin said...

I heartily concur with you on the nuisance value of the little blue fish. However, I do not believe that this should detract in any way from the reputation of their larger bretheren - the so-called "Large Blue Fish". Admittedly their work rate leaves something to be desired - their day consisting mostly of lolling about on the sofa drinking Carlsberg Special Brew and commenting, often unfairly, on the antics of soap opera characters.
Yours in piscine commentary,
William Myshkin Snr.

7:55 AM  
Blogger Cus said...

I would like to ask the question. How do you know you were being chased around by the fish? Maybe you were chasing the fish around. Some rooms can do that to you.


3:11 PM  

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